The Men Who Rescue Kidnapped Children: Boots, Guns, and Guts
By David H. Nguyen, Ph.D.
Cancer InCytes Magazine - Volume 5, Issue 1, Summer 2016
The Molotov cocktails exploded, splashing liquid fire all around him. He escaped with his life, but not soon enough to avoid being clawed by the flames. The group of thugs had cornered him. He knew that he was the target of this hit squad. It was payback for the work that he did. Rescuing children from the sex trade comes with a price. It’s not the job for a typical civilian. The bad guys get angry – they also get even. This account of a violent attack by human traffickers is a true story. It happened to Sergeant Hiraklis (Hercules) Sifonas, who bravely uses his military training to rescue children from the sex trade.
In this issue of Cancer InCytes Magazine, we highlight the heroic efforts of three men who risk their lives to rescue people who are kidnapped. Each of these men served in the military and then found a calling against human trafficking that puts their skillsets to wonderful use. Where diplomacy and public policy fail against corruption and underground crime, these heroes come to the rescue. Their work reminds us that freedom comes at a price. Help us celebrate the efforts of these heroes. Read their stories in this issue’s Advocate Spotlight Awards.
Bazzel Baz – Founder of Association for the Recovery of Children
D. Stephen Benedict – Founder of the Defender Foundation, Co-Founder of the Defender Task Force
Hiraklis (Hercules) Sifonas – Co-Founder of the Defender Task Force
David H. Nguyen, Ph.D.
Cancer InCytes Magazine
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